Thursday, June 27, 2024

P4-5 PBL: Deforestation Padlets

This term, our P4 and P5 students learned about deforestation in their PBL lessons. They completed their own research, came up with solutions, and created a Padlet to go along with their final products. 

Take a look at these outstanding Padlets!

5E Edward and Ashley -

5E Damon, Hestia, Kaitlyn, and Darius -

5E Arvhela, Mya, and Gwen -

5C Janet, Abi, KK, and Aiden -

5C Amos, Leander, and Harvey -

4E Ailly, Trini, and Hana -

4E Zarif, Abraham, Kimi, and Evan Cheng -

4D Evie, Areesha, and Hannah -

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

P6 Writing - An Unfortunate Week

Our P6 students wrote short stories about an unfortunate week. Happy reading!

P6 Writing - A special event in my primary life

Our P6 students have a lot of special memories from their time in primary school. Check out some of their writings about it below!

Blooming Writers - Modern Fairy Tale

This semester our Blooming Writers worked on a modern version of a fairy tale. Students wrote some extraordinary stories. Let’s take a glimpse of what our writers wrote!